Friday, 27 June 2014

PHOTOS: Meet 80 Year Old Man Who Has Not Had His Bath For 60 Years.

80-year-old Iranian man, Amoo Hadji, has not had his bath for about 60 years. His skin is quite scaly and he smells so much. The allegedly 80 yr old man lives a primitive life and his most prized possession is a steel pipe which he uses to smoke animal dung.

Amoo Hadji leaves in the village of Dezhgah (city of Farashband in Fars province of Iran) and he blends perfectly with his surroundings. Nobody knows the reason why he stopped having his bath. However, he seems to be having a great time in life without having his bath. Living in the village of Dezhgah, he seems to blend in with his surroundings. Why he decided to stop bathing – nobody knows. However, he seems to be enjoying his life without it.


80-year-old Iranian man, Amoo Hadji, has not had his bath for about 60 years. His skin is quite scaly and he smells so much. The allegedly 80 yr old man lives a primitive life and his most prized possession is a steel pipe which he uses to smoke animal dung. amoo hadji4 300x207 PHOTOS: Meet 80 Year Old Man Who Has Not Had His Bath For 60 Years

Read more at: PHOTOS: Meet 80 Year Old Man Who Has Not Had His Bath For 60 Years | InsideNaija
80-year-old Iranian man, Amoo Hadji, has not had his bath for about 60 years. His skin is quite scaly and he smells so much. The allegedly 80 yr old man lives a primitive life and his most prized possession is a steel pipe which he uses to smoke animal dung.

Read more at: PHOTOS: Meet 80 Year Old Man Who Has Not Had His Bath For 60 Years | InsideNaija

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