Wednesday 2 July 2014

WWE Diva/Shoplifter Emma Rehired 2 HOURS After Getting Fired!!!

Maybe the WWE realized … if stealing a $21.14 iPad case is a fireable offense … there wouldn’t be enough wrestlers left for a tag team match — so they REHIRED Diva Emma 2 hours after canning her.The wrestling org gave Emma the boot 2 days after she copped a plea to stealing the iPad case from a Connecticut Walmart. The WWE just said, “Upon further evaluation, WWE has reinstated [Diva Emma] but will take appropriate punitive action for her violation of the law.”Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ … WWE officials quickly realized they overreacted, because their action would open the floodgates to fire a gaggle of wrestlers for fighting outside the ring, DUI and all sorts of other misdeeds.It’s unclear how Emma will be punished.iPad case closed.

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