Friday 4 July 2014

Ousted RTEAN leader plans to set Ekiti on fire – Adebayo

Aderiye Adebayo (alias Ojugo) is the Caretaker Committee chairman of the Ekiti State chapter of the Road Transport Employers’ Association of Nigeria (RTEAN). In this interview with Correspondent Yaqoub Popoola in Ado-Ekiti, the leader of the drivers ‘ union raised alarm over an alleged activities of the ousted chairman of the association, Rotimi Olanbiwoninu, who wants to stage a come back to office. He, therefore, urges government as well as security agents to stop him before he unleashed terror on the state. Excerpts.
Could please tell what is happening in your union?

The crisis is all about our ousted chairman who wants to return to power through the backdoor. He has been harassing us since he left but we have decided not to join issue with him until recently when he renewed his evil plot. You know during his tenure, no member of RTEAN could profess membership of
another political party other than APC. In fact, he told us point blank that being a member of APC was not by choice but an order. It got to the extent that if any member of our union were caught having any engagement with PDP, heavy sanctions would be meted out to such person. When to the victimization hit to the peak, we decided among ourselves that things must not continue in that manner. And some of us who belonged in the PDP began to do our politics underground. So, when it was time send our former chairman packing, it was difficult but thank God for the support given to us by governor-elect, Ayo Fayose, who always come to our aid whenever we are being hunted by security officials loyal to Mentilo. Even there was a time some of members were arbitrarily arrested Fayose ensured that they were released.

What happened when you removed Mentilo?

As soon as we sent him (Mentilo) away, normalcy returned to the union and all out members began to proper; life was so miserable to some of us when we were under his leadership. You dare or buy a new car or build a new house then, his agents would go after you. These evil elements would not care whether you had gone to borrow money to do so.

You remember that the battle to oust Mentilo was a tough one; even after his ouster, our union had many caretaker chairmen but members rejected them until my name surfaced. When they announced my name, I was at home sleeping and somebody called me that I have been appointed as caretaker chairman. They asked me to come and collect my letter of appointment. I was surprised because I never expected it. But thanked God since the day I assumed duty, there hasn’t be any crisis. In fact, I ensured that my members are free to associate with any political party of their choice. I even allow PDP members to hold meetings at our secretariat.

There was a time the governor-elect was passing by and he saw that some of our members who are PDP held meeting there.

How has Mentilo been plotting against you?

There was an incident after my appointment as caretaker chairman, the former chairman went and told Governor Kayode Fayemi that there were two units at Ajibade lane, which he always delivered to progressives. But, in the last governorship election, I delivered to them to PDP. He now went back to tell Fayemi that I am staunch member of PDP and that I should be sent packing before the expiration of Fayemi’s tenure.

He has been orchestrating plans to oust me. Mentilo has bee going round with fake letters purportedly from our national headquarters that I have been removed that he was asked to take over from me. All his plots have being in vain. If not because I enjoy overwhelming support of my people, I would have been removed.

The latest of such plots was when he stormed our state secretariat few days ago with some miscreants and removed the massive banner that we did for Fayose. He also broke some glasses. Some of my boys who pursued them received machete cuts.

Mentilo has been boasting that his return to power was inevitable. He claimed to be enjoying the backing of Governor Fayemi, adding that there was no way I, as PDP member, would be overseeing the affairs of the union under an APC government.

Did you report the matter to anybody?

Immediately the incident happened, I called the governor-elect and some of his aides and they advised that we should report the matter to the police which we did. Our stand on this matter is that Mentilo should be called to order and he stop fomenting trouble in Ekiti because he was not first leader to be so removed. So, he should go and learn from his predecessors who are now joining forces with us to move the union forward. There is a former leader Deacon Isaac Fatimehin, who was removed but he did not cause any trouble, rather he took it in good faith and move on with life. We have sent Mentilo away since January 3 and he should allow peace to reign. He has been boasting that Governor Fayemi has promised to restore him to power before he leaves. Even on the day of the election, I learnt government gave him money to organize a party for his supporters ahead of his planned return to power in the union. Maybe he thought the election would have gone the way of the APC.

Let me state clearly that we don’t have any problem with Governor Fayemi; he and done his best and everybody can see it but what we don’t want is some people trying to use his good name to foment trouble in the state. Fayemi himself once told me he was pleased with my leadership style in the union. The governor acknowledged that since I took over the mantle of leadership, there have not been reported cases of clashes or violence in the state. Fayemi even promised to recommend me for the post of chairman.

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