Sunday, 12 October 2014

I have autographed so many boobs’, Sir Shina Peters reveals #dorobreast

Legendary Nigerian juju musician Sir Sina Peters, in an interview with Sun Newspaper, admitted the love his female fans world wide have for him…continue after the cut...

You‘re quite energetic on stage. Do you take any stimulants?
No, I have never smoked or taken any stimulant in my entire life. Though I drink beer, I don’t take energy boosters. All the action you see on the stage is natural because I enjoy what I do.
Do you treat your voice specially?
I neither treat my voice nor use any special concoction. Also, I have never tried to emulate any singer; my voice is just natural.
How do you relate with your fans, both male and female?
My fans cut across all the tribes in Nige­ria. In fact, I have more fans in the eastern part of Nigeria than the western part where we have the Yoruba, and after my God, my fans come next so we have a very cordial relationship.
What are the crazy things a male fan done to you?
On stage I do a lot of crazy things so if a male fan appreciates me with crisps naira notes it is no big deal because I have also done a lot for them. I am very close to my  male fans to the extent that we relate as one family.
What about female fans?
My female fans love me and that does not mean that I take advantage of them. I know that indeed they love me because they have done lots of crazy things to me.
Which one will you say was the craziest?
They have done a lot of crazy things to me but that does not mean we are bed-mates. Women love me so much because I am an artiste that fights for women’s rights.
Let’s know one crazy thing a fe­male fan has done to you?
Hmmm, I have autographed so many boobs.

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