Wednesday, 22 October 2014

10 Minutes WithThe 'Dance' Crooner Tekno Miles

 I first encountered Triple MG golden boy, Tekno Miles at the Tim Westwood Industry Night edition. Energetic and engaging, he held the audience in his spell as he belted out the words of his song 'Onye ne kwu' which is pretty much a remix of Ice Prince's...continue after the cut...
hit single 'Oleku'.
By the end of his performance, he got a thunderous applause for his effort and my colleagues and I would go on to discuss this, speculating that he was on his way to becoming music industry's next big thing.
Fast-forward five months later and even though Tekno is not yet a household name, his hit single, 'Dance' is a steady feature on the club scene, and I don't just mean the Lagos club scene. Having gone by the Triple MG quarters for an interview with label boss, Ubi Franklin, it was only fitting that I have a chat with the fast-rising act to find out what makes him tick.

The Early Years
I was born in Bauchi, then I stayed in Nassarawa, Kaduna and Abuja. My dad was in the army and it was one of the things that helped me when I was growing up, because I knew I couldn't mess up. But he made me go into music, he used to play the guitar and he made me take piano lessons. So everytime I played something new, he'd buy me a gift, so I didn't just jump into music, growing up for me was centred around music, as a child, my toys were the piano and guitar.
The Lucky Break
About 2 years ago in Abuja, I performed the remix of Ice Prince's Oleku, 'Onye Ne Kwu' and it was very well received, I got a standing ovation. When I got off the stage, Julius Agwu called me and said he didn't know this kind of talent existed in Abuja. He really encouraged me. Then at that same event, Iyanya and Ubi were there and we became friends. Eventually they asked me to move with them and the rest is history.
Switching Lanes
I found the move from Lagos to Abuja annoying because Abuja is peaceful, asides the issue of Boko Haram bombings, its very peaceful. I can set out to do everything in one day and I'll still have time left over. But in Lagos, you can only really accomplish one thing in a day and you might not even get it done. So having grown up in Abuja and having to leave family and friends behind hasn't been easy but its for the growth of my music.
Story Behind 'Dance'
'Dance' came from me hearing a beat I like. That's how I sing, I don't sit down and decide what to write, sometimes I can hear someone's beat playing and I'm inspired to write. So the whole song was actually the intro of the beat because I didn't really like the other part of the beat. So I told E-kelly and we took it out, that's why it's the same thing playing till the end. I didn't want something complicated because Nigerians don't really like complicated things so I kept toying with it till I had something playful and nice. When I put it out I got insulted, people said I had better songs to put out but I said don't worry, and 2 months after it's grown big. It's so big that I'm even shocked.
Fun Fact
I don't drink or smoke. Everytime I perform on stage, I'm crazy. I behave like someone who's just won the lottery and people naturally assume that I may have smoked or drank something but that isn't the case. I don't smoke or drink, I'm just generally crazy. I'm also an avid gamer. I can play games from 12 midnight to 10am in the morning. The reason why I don't run after girls or drink is because I'm comfortable with myself, I like my own company. I can stay in my room for a week and not care about the world. So long as I have my game, laptop, phones and things to munch on.
Relationship With Triple MG Crew
Its cool. We mostly talk about work, but we are family still. If Ubi sees something nice, he buys it for me and doesn't even try to take it from my show money or anything. The phone I'm holding for instance, it was Ubi that bought it for me. I'm very playful in the house, I don't get upset. If anyone does something that upsets me, I address it and it ends there. I don't have the strength to be aggressive.
On His Playlist Is...
Chris Brown and Usher. Chris Brown steps up his game everytime he brings out something new. I don't listen to Nigerian music on my own everytime so I don't begin to sound like anyone. I can dance to it in the club or sing along if it comes on but that's it.  I listen to Usher, Chris Brown, a little bit of Michael Jackson and Eminem because I think he's the best rapper in the world.
Kind Of Woman
Any girl that isn't tall. I don't like tall girls, except they're exceptionally beautiful but I like fair girls alot. I like small, fair girls.
If You Had To Go On A Blind Date It Would Be With...
DJ Cuppy. She smiles alot. I just feel she's happy. If you ask me 600 times who I'll pick in the industry, I'll pick her. It doesn't mean she's the only one I like, it just means there's something about her I respect. Everytime I see her she's smiling, she's just always excited. I don't know anything about her except that she's good at what she does and she puts her self out there and doesn't hide under the umbrella of anyone. I really respect a woman that does that.

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