Monday 3 November 2014

Juliet Ibrahim Supports Actress Stella Damascus After Instagram Attack By Fans

Fellow actress and mother Juliet Ibrahim supports Stella Damasus when she was attcked by fans on Instagram for celebrating halloween.
Nollywood actress Stella Damasus was under attack yesterday when she posted a picture on Instagram...continue after the cut...

The mother of two was playing dress up for international holiday 'halloween' which entails being dressed up in a scary fashion. several fans went to Stella's instagram page and attacked her for dressing up and celebrating such a holiday.
Some of the comments lashed out at the celebrity actress were:
"I can't Bliev u participated in this evil belief, hav u checked out the origin? Am sorry sis, but this is not right.... Enjoy ur day..."
"Halloween is celebrating witchcraft and that is contrary to the God. Hence I believe it's not for true Christians! End of!!!!!@stelladamasus"
"Stella you need Jesus"

 On October 14, 2014 The divorced mother of one, Ibrahim was also a victim of an Instagram attack however, she didn't ignore it, she angrily lashed out at the fans who spoke ill of her.

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