Monday 7 July 2014

Stop politicising governance, Aregbesola cautions Jonathan

Governor Rauf Aregbesola of Osun State has cautioned President Goodluck Jonathan against politicisation of governance saying that issues that have to do with the lives and well being of Nigerians should not be put on the altar of politics.


Governor Aregbesola who spoke against what he claimed as the continued refusal of the Federal Government to issue Osun State the security code that would activate the Emergency Security Centre conceived by his state also slammed the media for its unwillingness to throw light on the matter.

The governor who said that the security code was needed to enable search and rescue operations by the Emergency Security Centre said that had the centre been active that the senior officials of the Nigerian Union of Journalists who died in a road accident in the state would have been rescued.

Speaking to journalists at the weekend, the governor also lamented the refusal of the president to allow the state use the national railway tracks for the state’s pilot agricultural project that was conceived to make Osun a food hub...continue after the cut...

Decrying what he claimed was the unnecessary politicisation of issues pertaining to governance, Aregbesola said that the president should remove himself from above partisan politics in considering issues that have to do with the wellbeing of the citizenry.

Aregbesola, who said he personally met the president to request an access code said “what remains for the centre to function is just a short security code approval of which should only come from the Federal Government.”

He regretted that a letter written to the president on the issue has not been honoured ith a response or acknowledgment.

He disclosed that with the centre in operation accident victims could be accessed quickly as he warned that the refusal of the federal administration to respond positively to the request could affect both members of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP and the All Progressives Congress, APC.

“Security threat does not discriminate,” Aregbesola said as he observed that “if the Security Centre had been functional, those young journalists that died recently along Ife road could have survived the accident if help has reached them in time.”

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